Exploring the Spirit of Now Through the Lens of Art & Sustainability
ZEITGEIST19 Foundation is a research-led dynamic platform that was established in 2019 to operate at the intersection of culture and socio-environmental activism. Encouraging the conservation of our planet and following the model of ARTivism, our institution stands on 4 pillars: social development, cultural preservation, education and sustainability. Advocating the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our welfare mission is to take part in the fight against Global Warming.
ZEITGEIST19 strives to generate a community of thinkers, who share a similar passion for progress and appreciation for 'conscious' art to build global conversations, identify critical issues and raise awareness of injustice. We run a vast public programme online and offline including critically curated exhibitions, socio-cultural talks and workshops, digital podcasts, revival of under-utilised abandoned cultural buildings, neglected artefacts, and underrepresented history .
Our aim is to awaken and incite revitalizing movements of the community that are culture based, creative led and globally driven. Support and promote a global network of artists, creative entrepreneurs, curators, environmentalists and scholars. Inspire, encourage and empower people to lead positive social transformation.
How can we react to the challenging times of Now?
How can we re-imagine the future?

Each era has a unique spirit - a nature or climate that sets it apart from any other epoch. In German, this is known as the Zeitgeist, from the words Zeit - time and Geist - spirit. Certain thinkers have asserted that the true zeitgeist of an era cannot be known until that era has passed, others have declared that only artists and philosophers can truly make sense of it.
Our initiative seeks to gather representatives from various segments under the umbrella of this philosophical concept creating a unique interdisciplinary content, in order to explore and home in on the spirit and reality of Now.

A hybrid project in collaboration with One Ocean Foundation
Questo è un paragrafo, si tratta del posto ideale per raccontare una storia o farti conoscere meglio dagli utenti. Puoi aggiungere i tuoi contenuti e cambiare il carattere in modo semplice: basta cliccare su “Modifica testo” o cliccare due volte qui. Puoi anche trascinare il paragrafo dove vuoi all'interno della pagina.
Questo è lo spazio ideale per inserire una descrizione più lunga e raccontare qualcosa in più sulla tua azienda e sui servizi che offri. Ad esempio potresti parlare del tuo team o raccontare ai visitatori la storia di come è nata l’idea di avviare l’azienda o mettere in evidenza ciò che ti distingue dalla concorrenza. Usa questo spazio per far emergere la tua personalità e quella della tua azienda.